
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Learning how to do genealogy -- online and free

How would you like to take a professional level course on how to do research in England? How about Germany? Ireland? Italy? New Zealand? Poland? Mexico? All of these and more are available online on the new website. There are over 100 courses on basic research, reading handwritten records and even classes on becoming a professional genealogist.

When you enter the site click on the Learn link. That will take you to the Learning Resources Center. From there, you click on the Research Courses link and you will find a long list of classes organized by content.

Here is a screen shot from the first listed course, the England Beginning Research Series, Research Overview featuring Diane Loosle of the Family History Library and FamilySearch.

Some of the courses include PDF copies of the course materials.  If you have ever wanted to attend a genealogy conference but had neither the time nor the money, take advantage of these free online opportunities.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder, had looked at the first lesson of the England Beginning Research series but hadn't investigated further, will be quoting this post on my blog later.
