
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nutrioso and the Wallow Fire

Some of my ancestors lived in the very small town in the extreme eastern part of Arizona, just a few miles from the New Mexico border. The town is called Nutrioso from the Spanish nutria or beaver and oso or bear. It is about 7500 feet or so above sea level and is partially forested. Arizona has just suffered the worst fire in history, the Wallow fire, which has destroyed over 500,000 acres. Nutrioso was at the northern edge of the fire. On 28 June 2011, I traveled to Nutrioso to survey the damage. The news was good and bad. Some trees were lost but by and large Nutrioso is intact. However, I intended to show the fire damage over the next few days in my photo blog, I will be spending time also putting together 360 degree panoramas of the some of the burn damage. I will get back to my discussion of evidence shortly, but have to take this break for a while.

If you want to see some of my panoramas please see my panorama blog

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