
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Countdown to RootsTech -- last day for a discount

You might think that having a conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in February with half the country covered with snow is not such a great idea, but you have to know Salt Lake. During my many years of living there, most of which I was either in school or teaching, there was only one day when school was canceled because of a predicted snow storm and it didn't snow and all the school children went skiing. In Utah, good news is snow. My children in more eastern states are always telling us about "Snow Days" and how church is canceled this week because of ice and snow. Not in Utah. I would guess that Utah has one of the highest percentages of four-wheel drive vehicles in the world. Anyway, who wants to go to a long conference when the weather is nice outside? So you have RootsTech in February. If you are a skier, you also have an opportunity to experience the greatest snow on earth.

As an official Blogger, this RootsTech will be the first time I have actively participated in an internationally advertised genealogy conference. For many years, as a software developer and computer retailer, I attended various MacWorld Conferences in San Francisco and I have attended several other very large conferences over the years and quite a few regional and a few national genealogy conferences, but this may be the largest one yet for genealogy.

If you have any thoughts about attending, you need to register before Saturday, January 15th to get the discounted registration fee.

During the next few days and weeks, I will be writing about some of the presenters and picking out my "can't miss" list of classes.

As Bob and Ray used to say, "Write if you get work and hang by your thumbs."

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