
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Speaking at RootsTech!

I have been confirmed as a speaker at the upcoming RootsTech 2013 Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah on the 21st to 23rd of March. My topic will be "Finding the Obscure and the Ellusive: Geographic Information on the Web." Since I don't want to spoil the presentation, I will let you guess the subject until I get the syllabus materials posted which should take place pretty soon.

This will be my second year presenting at RootsTech. I proposed topics including Copyright both introduction and advanced, but I guess they had some one else for that topic this year. I have been involved extensively with maps in a variety of circumstances, beginning with Boy Scouts and Army to finding very obscure historical locations. I will really enjoy presenting this topic.

By the way, Dick Eastman figured out that the Radisson had their reservation system messed up and were reserving rooms for RootsTech without telling any of us about the rooms. I managed to get a reservation after all. Anyway, I still think it would be a good idea to reserve early, I suspect the later date for the Conference may have more people attending.