
Monday, August 26, 2013

Why attending RootsTech is a good idea

In some cases large is good. In the case of a genealogy conference, having a huge conference has some distinct advantages. First and foremost, the RootsTech 2014 conference has already attracted a world-wide participation from highly qualified instructors. If last year is any indication, the number and quality of the vendors will more than make for a great conference. You also cannot discount the distinct advantage of mingling with and speaking with fellow genealogists from all over the world.

The advantage of being only a few steps away from the Family History Library is also a huge reason for going to Salt Lake City, Utah in February. It also doesn't hurt that Salt Lake City is the center of one of the world's premier ski areas. From my own perspective, having lived in Salt Lake City for years and having family in the area, I have one more excuse to see some of my children and grand-children. But even without that reason, the shear amount of information that will be available is almost overwhelming.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the preceding RootsTech Conferences and find that I come away with a huge number of new ideas and concepts that I did not have before the Conferences. In the past, RootsTech has come to be the place to make new product announcements and vendor specials. I expect the same thing will happen this year.

From a blogger's standpoint, it is a time to renew friendships and make new ones. I hope to be able to do the same thing this next year.  


  1. We're registered and everything's booked. Now we just wait with high anticipation and excitement! With all the new announcements and developments at FamilySearch already, I can't imagine what news we'll hear at RootsTech 2014! It just keeps getting better and better.

  2. Hi James, Thanks for letting us know the RootsTech schedule is out. I'm going to go look at it now!
