
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

MyHeritage adds millions of Nordic records

Both my wife and I have Scandinavian ancestors so the notice that has added millions of Nordic records is really good news. Their announcement states that they have added records from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland from as early as the 1600s. The announcement goes on to state:
The collections contain over 90 million names and include birth, death, marriage and baptism records, as well as census and many more records. This is in addition to 70 million profiles in 730,000 family trees already created by MyHeritage users with ancestors in this region. This is a treasure trove of records, not only for people living today in these countries but for all whose families originated in the region.

In addition to significant content added today, MyHeritage is investing in digitizing more Nordic historical content and has signed new agreements which will result in a wealth of regional historical records to be added over the next few years.
MyHeritage has also launched social media channels for Norway, Denmark and Finland – including local blogs and Facebook and Twitter accounts. The social media channels are in the languages of the countries. Follow orders will be the first to hear about the new record collections as they become available. As the announcement further says:
This newly digitized content is already available for searching in SuperSearch, our global search engine for historical records. Record Matching technology will be unleashed on these records to automatically find relevant historical records for people in your tree.
I am very interested in this new development will look forward to expanding my research and the Scandinavian countries.


  1. You can not really tell what records they have without signup with them. What gives me a bad taste. What records do they have? What records they have are indexed. Is this what they got in the deal with Familysearch, then the records are free at Familysearch.

    I do most of my research in Swedish records. Do you have Swedish ancestors Jams.

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment. That is kind of the situation with any subscription website. Your needs may not match their records. No, I do not have Swedish ancestors.

  2. Not really.
    On Arkiv Digital you can see what they have digitized
    Ancestry let you see there card catalog so you know what they have. let you see what they have.
