
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Passing the 2,000,000 mark

Sometime today, or early tomorrow, Genealogy's Star will pass the 2 million views mark. I am aware that writing a genealogy blog is neither a horse race nor is it a sporting event. There is no competition here, but it is gratifying to know that someone reads this stuff. I realize the birthday cake has absolutely no connection to the event, but it seemed appropriate anyway. Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting.


  1. keep up the good work, James.

    2 million views is an excellent total for 6 years - in another year, it will be about 3 million.

    1. I know its nothing compared to your influence. Let's both keep up the good work.

  2. I recommend this and randy's to everybody. My daily fix.

  3. Fantastic! What wonderful service. I was privileged to attend one of your LIVE training sessions last night at the BYU Family History Library and learned a ton! Thanks for inviting me to this praiseworthy blog. Bless you as you continue to bless so many on both sides of the veil.

  4. Of course we read it! And learn from it and use it and even, occasionally laugh! Congratulations! Here's to a million more!

  5. That's some achievement, Congratulations... pleased to confess that I have helped you reach that number... long may you continue to teach and entertain...
