
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My First Article Appears in the Deseret News

On a suggestion from one of my friends, I recently proposed some articles for the Deseret News, the local Salt Lake City, Utah newspaper on the subject of genealogy. My first article was published today, 8 October 2014 entitled, "Bringing family history alive through historical newspapers." Here is a screenshot of the webpage:

I began writing for newspapers and such when I was attending the University of Utah, many years ago. I wrote for the Daily Chronicle and then helped start a newspaper as an editor. In law school, I was the Editor of the student newspaper, the Devil's Advocate. I learned how to set up the entire newspaper manually, as was necessary at that time. I am happy to be back in the newspaper saddle after all these years. Hope you enjoy the article. I will keep proposing articles and see what happens.

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