
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Farewell to the Mesa FamilySearch Library

It is a sad day in Mesa and for me here in Annapolis, Maryland. We will lose one of Mesa's great institutions, The Mesa FamilySearch Library previously the Mesa Regional Family History Library and the Mesa Family History Library. I spent 10 years volunteering at the Mesa FSL and they were wonderful years. I loved the volunteers and directors over the years and had a great time with the patrons. We know that there will be a new Discovery Center in the future but the books, the microfilm, the staff and the atmosphere will be all gone. Again, it is a sad day and a great loss to great genealogy instruction and assistance.


  1. That is indeed sad news for those of us who researched there as well. I first visited the Mesa Family History Library in its old location west of the temple in 1974, and many times thereafter. It will be missed.

  2. Could they relocate it to the interstake center until the Discovery Center is completed?

    1. I guess not. They already had relocated it to the old building. Too bad.

  3. I understand that they are building a new Mesa Family Search Library at the corner of LeSuer and Main, but it won't be ready for about 18 months to 2 years.

    1. Yes, I wrote about all that recently, bu the Mesa FamilySearch Library will apparently be closed during those two year or so of construction.
