
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Comments on Biparental Inheritance of Mitochondrial DNA in Humans
The above article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America has resulted in a major response and may ultimately have a dramatic effect on genetics around the world. Although the article has only been available for a matter of days, here are some of the news stories it has generated since the article was published one day ago on November 26, 2018,

Since the concept that mitochondrial or mtDNA inheritance occurs only through the maternal line is central to genealogical testing and to the theory of mitochondrial Eve, there are likely to be a lot of consequences as these new findings are explored more fully. Stay tuned.


  1. The only thing this research shows is that the claims made by many in the DNA field are premature.
    DNA research is still very much in its infancy and as it matures a number of previously held beliefs will be shown to be in error.

    That is how progress is made in science everything is or should be open to question.

    1. You are right, but genealogists need to realize that some of the conclusions made by DNA testing may also turn out to be previously held beliefs shown to be in error.
