
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Provo River Canyon, Utah


The Provo River originates in the Uinta Mountains of Eastern Utah and flows southwest finally emptying into Utah Lake. Although this is somewhat of an idyllic view, the reality of the canyon is that there is a major four-lane highway that is essentially a raceway up and down the canyon. Normally, traffic runs in excess of 60 mph, and driving the highway can be a harrowing experience. In this case, we were riding the Heber Creeper, a train that originates in Heber City and makes a there-and-back trip to Vivian Park about in the middle of the canyon. It is much nicer to travel at about 15 mph than over 60. 


  1. I love this photo. What are the restrictions on it?

    1. If you would like to use the photo please give attribution. I own the copyright.
