
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Genealogy on

I wrote recently about the Brigham Young University Family History Library YouTube Channel, but I need to point out that there are hundreds of other active genealogy related YouTube channels. Some of us learn through reading while others learn more graphically. I learn best by watching someone explain and then trying what I learn myself. I can also learn from books, but it takes longer, and I lose the ability to immediately try things myself. I use YouTube for everything from fixing my car to solving questions while using a particular program. This applies to genealogy as well as any other subject. 

Now, how do we get started with YouTube? Let's ask a question and put the question in the YouTube search field.

Here is what I get from that search.

I may not want to view the first few videos, but as I scroll down, I find the following. 

Introduction to Scandinavian Genealogy

Everything else on YouTube works the same way. You search to answer a question and then you will likely find someone who has posted a video discussing the answer. 

I could do a long list of YouTube channels that talk about genealogy. Yes, The Family History Guide has a YouTube channel with almost 200 videos. Each of the genealogy companies also seems to have a channel also. You could keep watching for days if you had to recover from some illness or whatever. 

I like YouTube because it has solved so many problems for me, both trivial and serious. Maybe you need to stop watching the news on TV and start watching something that will help you find your ancestors. Just a. suggestion. 

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