
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Early Bird Registration for RootsTech 2025 begins 25 September

 Yes, it is that time of year again when you begin thinking about the new year. Coming on March 6-8, 2025 is Yes, it will be online and in person. Yes, you will get a lot more out of the conference by being there in person. Yes, it is cold and may be windy or stormy in Salt Lake City, Utah in March. Yes, I am planning on being there with The Family History Guide,, and all the rest. Yes, I am teaching one class on research in Latin America which is what I do the most of lately for people with questions. Yes, I would be glad to talk to anyone who will be there also. If you are planning on staying in Salt Lake City, most of the downtown hotels are already starting to fill up. There is an alternative: This is a free or inexpensive way to travel around the city. It also goes to the airport. You probably also need to know that there is a lot of construction going on in downtown Salt Lake City and we all have to adapt to closed streets etc. It is not too early to plan, in fact, it is getting close to being late. We will be staying in Salt Lake and taking the FrontRunner train to and from Salt Lake from Provo. Hope to see you there. 

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