Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is Dysfunctional?

I have been receiving comments from time to time concerning a blog post I wrote a long time ago about problems with, the family tree program. I decided to return to the program and sign in and see if it was operating or not. I tried several times over a period of time to sign into the program with my account and the program caught me in a software loop and kept returning me to the sign in screen. I never got past the screen.

Just in case there is some solution and this problem is still viable, I decided post my present experiences and see if someone out there can tell me if the program is supposed to work or not? Thanks for the responses.


  1. I created a different account on a computer that I had never used for - found still couldn't do searches properly on Mundia - basically this has been the situation since about September 2013. If it were to be resolved then I would be happy as I liked the search functionality of Mundia as it did different things to Ancestry

  2. I was able to log on with my Ancestry info and also had the option to log on with my Facebook account. However, I noticed that Chrome changed the URL to Site is very, very slow and I have only a 600 person tree currently loaded - I was unable to load any of the other trees I have at Ancestry or have been 'invited' to view. I would say it certainly isn't totally functional.

  3. I was able to sign in with my Ancestry log-in and added a tree. My question is: Why would I want to since it seems to be a duplicate of the Ancestry Family Tree - I left it there and have logged out and logged back in several times with no problem.

  4. I've not had any problems with it, other than the occasional search outage. It's got a cumbersome infrastructure compared to other sites, and I've mainly used it in the rare occurrence that I'd like to learn more about someone in an Ancestry Member Tree (since its a duplicate of them). Doesn't seem to have much use otherwise, and Ancestry seems to have abandoned it for the last couple years development-wise.

  5. I've had frequent error messages using it: 'Error Retrieving Views
    Error retrieving AJAX views, request failure' as well as regular 'spinning wheels' where I think a tree is trying to load but it does nothing. I've asked Mundia support for help with these issues but they don't reply. Lots of people asking for help on Mundia's Facebook page too :O(

  6. Seems they have even abandoned their Facebook page. Considering that's FB page seems to "the place" to go for support, one wonders if they are trying to let Mundia just wither and die. I think they should have pulled the plug long ago.

