
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Ultimate Digital Preservation Guide, Part Five -- What is worth preserving?

The real question behind all digital preservation efforts is determining what is worth preserving. Obviously, the incremental cost of digital storage has been falling for years. It is much easier today to simply be expansively eclectic and save everything. You can buy a 1 Terabyte hard drive for less than $50 and jump up to an 8 Terabyte hard drive for less than $140. The price of Solid State Drives (SSDs) is also falling rapidly. In a sense, we can be digital hoarders and save even electronic trivia.

As genealogists, we often have a hard time distinguishing between a "historically and genealogically valuable" document or item and something that has real worth. For example, I have been writing a regular journal for over forty years. Except for the first few years on paper, the entire journal is a series of files on my computer comprised of tens of thousands of pages. Using that document, someone could write a multi-volume book about my life. What are the chances this will ever happen? About zero. Is the journal a valuable historical or genealogical document? I think most historians and genealogists would agree that it is. Oh, I should also mention that my hard drives contain hundreds of thousands of digitized genealogy files including tens of thousands of photos. What about the preservation of the mammoth journal and all the rest?

Well, the answer to that question is the point of this whole series. Presently, I have an entire copy on my main computer which is backed up automatically every few hours during the day. I then have three additional backup hard drives that I use for specific back up areas. The entire computer system including all of the external hard drives is then backed up regularly to a cloud-based storage system.

Where is the weak link in this backup strategy? The weak link is the paywall online backup provider. The simple reason for this, as I have written many times in the past, is that when I become incapacitated or die, who will continue to pay for the online storage or even have access to it? Digital preservation requires active participation by a permanent agency or individual who will make the effort to keep maintaining access to the digitized files.

This is the main difference between our present system of digital preservation and the preservation of analog devices such as paper books is that my paper books can sit on my shelves for years and except for slow, inevitable, chemical changes, they will still be readable in fifty or a hundred years. Granted, someone could throw the books away but almost all of these books are also likely available someplace else in the world. With maybe one or two exceptions, there are no unique items in the thousands of books I have accumulated. Mind you, I am not talking here about some kind of market value. Some "collectible" books obviously have a dollar value but from an information preservation standpoint, a first-edition book has exactly the same value as the millionth copy of the same book. So a book can just sit there and be preserved.

But before you start thinking about reducing all your genealogy to paper, you need to realize that a privately published paper book is not the answer. Remember, when I talk about a book, I am talking about published material that has found its way into perhaps hundreds of libraries. As genealogists. when we base our research efforts on paper, we are creating "unique" documents. One copy of a paper record is in just as precarious position as one digital copy.

This gives us a basic criterion for determining what is worth preserving: uniqueness.

Now it is time to ask, what is necessary to preserve the digital files on my computer's hard drives?

Digital preservation has two main challenges that are not shared with paper books: device obsolescence and file format obsolescence. Unlike a book sitting on a shelf, a file on a storage media such as a hard drive can become unreadable merely because of the passage of time. This occurs as the devices used to store the information become inaccessible (think floppy disks) or because the operating systems and programs change over very short periods of time (think of an old computer program you can no longer use on any present-day computer).

To preserve the information in a digital file, it must be periodically migrated to newer hardware, programs, operating systems, and file formats as those change over time. 

Backing up the files is only the first, small step in preserving them. The files cannot be "left on the shelf." Every day they sit on your computer, the danger of their loss increases with every incremental change in upgraded operating systems and programs. I have had any number of hard drive failures and it is only because I back up with multiple hard drives and continually buy new hard drives that I can maintain all my information.

Now a note specifically about genealogy. Your genealogical data should be constantly being transferred to a free, permanently maintained, online database such as If you do nothing else, at least your file information, photos, stories, audio files, and etc. will survive you.

Here is a summary of the process:

1. Acquisition of digital files through direct entry of information or transfer from paper-based documents
2. Maintenance of digital files through multiple layered backup systems involving both local and remote storage
3. Periodic migration of all of the digital files as programs and operating systems change or are upgraded
4. Regular and frequent upgrade of all hardware including the entire computer system.
5. Sharing all information with an online storage entity such as

See the previous posts in this series here:

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:


  1. I have heard people say that when they go on vacation it is not unusual for them to take 10s of thousands of photos, It is so easy to do now that we all have digital cameras. I keep things on my PC as well as back them up in the cloud.

    My current "genealogy" folder contains 6.57 GB in 4,422 files. That is probably not much compared to many people. My digital photo library is 84.8 GB (26,955 files) and that only goes back to 2002. Our scanned older family albums take up 6.05 GB in 4,673 files.

    I do store a lot of material in digital form and buy digital books on many occasions. I still like the hard copies for most of my research as I can turn down corners or highlight pages with yellow marker and go back easily to find one or more quotes when I need them. After I am done a project I am happy to have them in digital format.

    One of the big problems I have with keeping stuff (and I am a great hoarder) is that one day someone is going to have to take it over. Our children may or may not be interested in doing so although keeping the storage going is the easy part.

    BUT...and it is a big BUT, who will ever want, or have time to look at all the information? It has taken years to assemble and will take years to review. I don't wish that on any of my descendants.

    The alternative is to pare down even the digital information and organize it so that others my be able to look at it quickly or find specific events easily.

    If nobody ever reads all the things I have written (notes, blogs, articles, family history records, etc.) then there was no point in keeping it.

    1. You raise some interesting issues. The issue you face is common. The main question is what is important primary information that needs to be preserved and what is simply copies of other documents etc. It is up to you to decide what gets preserved and what does not. Don't leave that decision to your heirs. If your information is worth preserving, make sure you upload the information to FamilySearch or some other "permanent" storage venue. If you have original documents, make sure that they are digitized and available online. You can't necessarily depend on your immediate family members to preserve your work, so take steps to make sure the information you have is widely disseminated by major online websites.

  2. Oh yeah! Been there, done (didn't do) that. My old catalog of 400+ books in the local genealogy society's library was created in DOS with a proprietary program called Sky Cat. I never migrated it to a newer format. (Would have had to print a shelf list and re-catalog all 400 -- the file format was not convertible.) Should have done it but didn't. Now the last 12 years of the catalog are in an Excel file but the Sky Cat file is basically toast. Well, live with it.

  3. One option that can help the archival process is Markdown. Content is created and saved in plain text. Programming routines make it easy to format the plain text into the whatever format is needed. When a new word processing format is developed, a new conversion routine is built to convert the plain text to the new format.
