Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...

Friday, November 22, 2024

RootsTech is still online during the year

You may not realize that RootsTech is now running all-year long with new videos and presentations. Here is a screenshot of some of the content that has been added during the months since RootsTech 2024. 

I would love to see you at RootsTech 2025 in person. I will be teaching one class and I will post it when the final class schedule is released. Watch the website for other special events and offerings. Here is a video about RootsTech 2025.

Introducing MyHeritage LiveMemory™ -- Almost beyond belief


LiveMemory™from looks like magic. Yes, it animates old photos. Here is an example of animated photos from my MyHeritage Gallery. This goes well beyond the previous animation efforts. 

If this video does not work go to the LiveMemory™Gallery or the recent blog post see for yourself. 

Imagine that iconic photo of your mother as a young dancer, or of you and your siblings playing together on the beach as children. Wouldn’t it be amazing to revisit those moments and relive them as if the scenes were playing out right in front of you? Well, we have fantastic news: now you can, thanks to our brand-new feature, LiveMemory™, available exclusively on the MyHeritage mobile app!

Yes,  LiveMemory™ is only available on the mobile app and yes, you can only do a few videos without a subscription to's app. Here is the full explanation from the blog post. 

Anyone can try LiveMemory™ for free, for a limited number of videos. To create more LiveMemory™ videos, an annual Photo plan or Omni plan is required. The annual Photo plan currently costs only $49.90 per year and is available exclusively on the MyHeritage app. It provides unlimited access to all of the other MyHeritage photo features including MyHeritage In Color™, Photo Enhancer, Photo Repair, Deep Nostalgia™, and the Photo Scanner. Users with a Photo plan can create 20 LiveMemory™ videos annually. As a thank you for their loyalty, Complete subscribers are eligible for a 25% discount on the Photo plan, and can purchase it for just $37. Users with a MyHeritage Omni plan can create 30 videos annually. Learn more about the MyHeritage Omni plan here.

I have already tried a few videos and I can see that it works better with some photos and not others. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

23and Me in the headlines


It isn't very often that the national news features articles with direct consequences to the greater genealogical community. In this case, many genealogists and family historians have taken DNA tests from over the years. The simple caution for those with 23andMe tests is to download your data. A quick Google search indicates that downloading your data is fairly simple. Here is one of many links to the process from

You can also upload your data for free to, the large online genealogy company. Here is a link to the process.

What I find online is that does not allow raw DNA data to be uploaded. There are many posts online explaining about Ancestry's position. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

MyHeritage Holiday Season DNA Sale

 MyHeritage DNA

Quoting from a recent email announcement:

MyHeritage DNA  is now on sale for a great price at


What could be a more meaningful gift than the opportunity to discover more about who you are and where you belong? With the most international user base and the most comprehensive set of advanced genetic genealogy tools, MyHeritage DNA is the best DNA test for exploring global roots. It reveals your origins across 2,114 geographic regions and finds new relatives from across the globe — all with a simple swab of the cheek.

I currently have well over 17 thousand DNA matches. MyHeritage DNA enabled us to resolve an old adoption issue with one of my great-grandparents. I have DNA matches in almost a hundred countries around the world corresponding to the historical spread of my family over the world. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Update on the end of the Catalog 

What is missing from this screenshot of the Catalog? The answer is the entire Province of Buenos Aires. I realize that I wrote about this previously in this blog post. 

But now I have more information about what is happening at FamilySearch. However, saying anything about FamilySearch usually includes a healthy dose of speculation. The FamilySearch folks are usually responsive in the FamilySearch Community but there is issue with the Catalog and the Images sections of FamilySearch go way beyond leaving a comment in the Community. 

I recently saw a Facebook post from David E. Rencher, Chief Genealogical Officer at FamilySearch, notifying the genealogy community at large about this issue, quoting from the Facebook post:

FamilySearch product managers have set up automatic creation of Full-Text Search collections based upon the primary life event of the image. Internal genealogists have advised that researchers are better served by record collections organized by record type. Product managers feel differently.

The issue is illustrated by this chart:

The issue of changing the entries in the old Catalog and the Image section as well as developing the Full-Text Search capabilities are the same issue: how do we find valuable genealogical information?

Catalogs, such as the FamilySearch Catalog (Old) mirror the reality of where documents might be found. The Catalog is organized geographically i.e. by the places where documents may be found in the real world. 

Well, what about using "Life Events"? One example will suffice: Coming-of-Age. Not only is the category vague and could include a huge variety of unrelated events, it is not found in any existing cataloging system. To illustrate this, do a Google search for "Arizona coming-of-age" and see the results. 

What you will see is a long list of ceremonies performed by Native Americans in the present and the past. There is no mention of records or record sources. You can get another idea from the Library of Congress Classification Outline. See  

You can also get some idea about cataloging systems from the website. Try searching for Coming-of-Age and see the responses. Do you see any genealogically related books or records? 

My example of searches using "Coming-of-Age" is just the same as changing the jurisdictional categories in the Old FamilySearch Catalog by adding Buenos Aires City and dropping the category for Buenos Aires Province (where the records are actually found). Why are these people at FamilySearch thinking that they can somehow come up with a new system of organization for finding genealogy records when all the world's records are organized by location and topic?

There is a lot more to say on this topic but I have stacks of other pressing matters besides trying to explain to engineers at FamilySearch how to do genealogy. But, of course, I will take the time if they are willing to listen. One example is a review of the "New" FamilySearch Library Catalog. which makes no effort at all on organization and looks a lot like the university catalogs I have been working with for the past 60 years. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Challenges in adding one tag to the FamilySearch Memories almost defeats me


I am concerned that the website is going through a phase of reorganizing rather than taking advantage of new tools without throwing out the old. 

Recently, I spent about 45 minutes adding two image to the FamilySearch Memories section. I found that the entire procedure for uploading a single memory had changed. The last explanation of the update was a post back on May 11, 2024. This short announcement doesn't describe any of the major changes.  Here is a screenshot of one of the two uploads that took so long to do. 

The main issue was tagging a photo. The process of tagging apparently now takes several steps. I didn't think I could yet describe the steps because it is so complicated. When I started writing this post, I noticed that Elias W. Tanner's wife Rebecca P. King was also on his grave marker so I decided to see if I could describe the process. 

Step #1: I clicked on the image with Rebecca's name. Here is what showed up. 

Step #2 I remembered that I needed to have her ID# or name, so I typed in her name. The name wasn't recognized so I had to click on her husband who I already had listed and found her name Rebecca Potter King and ID#. I copied the ID number and pasted in the number. 

Step #3 Remember, I had recently already managed to tag four other people. However, at this step, if I click on the name that says "Add New" the program does not look up the ID# it just adds the ID# as the name for the tag. 

Step #4 At this point I am puzzled. Below the number it says Attach to Tree. Well, Rebecca is already in my part of the Family Tree, but I decide to click and see what happens. Now it asks me to search for the number I just copied from the Family Tree. 

Step #5 I don't seem to remember that it was this complicated just to add one tag. But I click on search the family tree and now I am lost. I am taken to the general search page. 

I already know that Rebecca is in the Family Tree so I change the field to Find by ID and once again put in her ID#.

Step #6 Remember again, that I am trying to tag an image in memories and it shows me her entry in a search field. 

Step #7 So far, I haven't tagged the photo and I am totally lost because I don't know what to do next. I see the normal Select button that takes me to the person in the Family Tree where I started. So, I click the button. Amazingly, this takes me back to the Memories section and there is a tag on Rebecca's name. although the name on the tag is an ID#

Step #8 Now, I can't remember how I got the names on the other tags. I randomly decide to click on the ID#.

Step #8 Remember, I am still just adding one tag to one person and I have spent almost an hour writing this blog post so far. Here is what I am looking at when I randomly click on Rebecca's ID# 

Step #9 I can detach the memory from the Family Tree. This is not what I wanted to do. So, I do what I usually do in these situations, I click on stuff.  I click on the number. Not that there was any particular reason for clicking but I see that the number is blue and that usually indicates a link. 

Step #10 Apparently, I can now edit the ID# tag to a name. So I type in her name. That changes the name to Rebecca Potter King. 

Step #11 Now what? Do I have to do this for every single memory I put on the website? There must be a shorter way to do all this. So I look for some instructions on the new changes. Remember, this is me looking for one of my memories. I know how to search since I sit here and do that almost all day, every day. I do not find any instructions. I decide to click in the image. 

I now have one tag on an image with seven potential tags. 

Does anyone out there know of a better system for adding one tag? I do figure out that there is one small shortcut. But I am keeping that to myself until I see the explanation in print from someone who should have stopped trying to reorganize the team. 

RootsTech 2025 Genealogical AI Spotlight on Military Records.

RootsTech 2025 Reel Stories presents your Genealogical Artificial Intelligence Spotlight. This month’s AI spotlight is about the treasure trove in military records. 172 countries have had military forces during the last 100 years and there have been more than 35 wars. Many countries with a miliary kept records about their soldiers. Military Records may be detailed but can be elusive. They are always a valuable source of genealogical and family history information. Artificial intelligence helps make all records, including military records more easily discoverable. The huge video collection on and the documents and records on, with assistance of AI can help you find elusive military records. Sign in for free on both and and begin discovering your military ancestors.

You can register for free at online and also register for in person at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah on March 4th through 6th, 2025. 

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Beginning of the End of the FamilySearch Catalog or another Beginning?


It is common knowledge among those genealogists that I come in contact with that the Catalog has not been updated for over two years. What this means is that the millions of digitized records being added daily to the website are not in the Catalog. So where are they? I will leave that question for a while as I try to explain what is going on from the perspective of someone who uses the Catalog and other resources on the website many times in a single day.

The main use of the Catalog is to find stuff (records, documents, etc.) on the FamilySearch website. It has worked sort-of well since the website was first put online on May 24, 1999. Its main use for serious genealogists is to discover the jurisdictional organization of the various geographic areas of the world. Now, I happen to do an extensive number of online consultations with people from Argentina. See the following link.

Now some a short (hopefully) look at the government of Argentina and its jurisdictions. This is important because certain types of records are located in specific governmental jurisdictions. Here is an example of the location of the Argentine Civil Registration Records. 

Los registros del registro civil en Argentina son mantenidos principalmente por el Registro Nacional de las Personas (RENAPER). Este organismo gubernamental es responsable de mantener y administrar registros vitales como actas de nacimiento, actas de matrimonio y actas de defunción.

El RENAPER tiene oficinas regionales en toda Argentina, donde puede solicitar copias de sus registros del registro civil. Puede encontrar la ubicación de la oficina del RENAPER más cercana visitando su sitio web oficial o contactándolos directamente.

Hmm, that explanation seems to be in Spanish. What is says is that Civil Registration records are found in the National Register of Persons in various locations around the country. If you search the website for Argentine Civil Registration records, a valuable resource for genealogists, you will find that has very, very few of these records. The partial explanation about the existence of these records is explained in the FamilySearch Research Wiki,  

Now what is going on with the Catalog? Yesterday, in the morning I did my regular searches in for records in Buenos Aires Province for a potential consultation. By the afternoon, when I needed more information I found that Buenos Aires Province had been removed from the Catalog. See above. Some at FamilySearch inserted a link to "Buenos Aires City" which is probably a reference to the fact that Buenos Aires is an autonomous city and the capital of Argentina. But the other issue is that the entry for Buenos Aires Province had been removed. Buenos Aires City is divided into 15 Comunas. An Argentine "comuna" is a neighborhood or group of neighborhoods in the city of Buenos Aires. However, Buenos Aires City located in Buenos Aires Province. Here is an explanation of the provinces from a Wikipedia article.
Argentina is divided into twenty-three federated states called provinces (Spanish: provincias, singular provincia) and one called the autonomous city (ciudad autónoma) of Buenos Aires, which is the federal capital of the republic (Spanish: Capital Federal) as decided by the Argentine Congress.[1] The provinces and the capital have their own constitutions and exist under a federal system.

Here is another quote from an AI search with references to Wikipedia. 

Administrative divisions: Provinces are divided into departments, which are further divided into municipalities. Buenos Aires Province is divided into partidos and localidades. 

There is no real translation of the divisions in Buenos Aires Province. Why is knowing all this necessary? Because any successful genealogical research depends on know where and how to find the records. So now, the FamilySearch Catalog has no entry for Buenos Aires Province. I assume all the records are still there somewhere. 

Now, there is a new Catalog. See however, this is what is said on the website.

Either catalog can be searched, however it's best to use the new Library Catalog because it's continually being updated. The existing Catalog on was last updated September 2022. 

Let's just say that giving us a list of all the records of Argentina in a list does not help much. Especially, if you do not automatically know the names of all the provinces (see the first image above) and which cities (municipios) are available. Like in the old Catalog. The "New" Catalog looks a lot like a university catalog so that if you click enough you might run across some of the records for a specific location. 

What about the Images? Oh yes, there is another part of the website with digital images of a whole lot of records. These are simply organized by jurisdiction and date. But they are searchable or should I say they were searchable? 

There is an entry for Buenos Aires Province but this is to unindexed and uncataloged records which, for the most part, have to be searched day by day. There is also a mysterious reference in the Images list to Distritos Militar. These seem to be a long list of military draft records with no reference to where the records came from. 

Well, I could go on for a long time but I have other obligations to my time. 

Good Luck at finding anything in the record collection if this spreads to other parts of the website besides Argentina. I realize that I haven't gotten into more detail about the Catalog and the Images, but I ran out of time to write. 


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Please Help The Family History Guide

This was sent out to many of our friends across the world. We are at a crucial stage in our growth and need some help. I realize there are many good ways to donate but this is a way to directly affect genealogy. Here is the text from the email. 

The Family History Guide will soon be exposed to its largest audience ever!  We will be featured on the VIEWPOINT documentary program, hosted by Dennis Quaid, and broadcast nationwide by PBS and other major TV networks. VIEWPOINT will be highlighting Genealogy and Family History and our partnership with The National Genealogical Society.  VIEWPOINT has a viewership of 60 million+.  In addition, we will be both in-person and virtual at the largest genealogical conference in the world, RootsTech 2025.


We are growing rapidly and so are our financial needs.  We need to raise an additional $25,000 to cover the increasing costs of our outreach program and expenses for broadcast production and RootsTech 2025.

Please consider donating and thereby helping support our mission To greatly increase the number of people actively involved in family history worldwide, and to make everyone's family history journey easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable.

Please Remember

  • We have NO PAID staff.  All are volunteers. (Click HERE to see staff)

  • We are a 501c3 charitable non profit

  • We operate ENTIRELY on donations

  • Your donation is usually tax-deductible (See your financial advisor)

There are so many ways to support our mission.  Click the DONATE button below to see how YOU can help.

Here is where the donate button goes. Remember, The Family History Guide Association, the sponsor of the website, is a qualified 501 (c) 3 corporation and all contributions are tax deductible in the U.S. 

Click here to donate

My wife and I have been working with The Family History Guide for over ten years and now we are seeing the results of all the work we and mostly others have done to make this a global support for family history and genealogy. We donate time, and some money, but we do need help. 

Thanks for your consideration. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The key to adding a generation to your family tree and thoughts on quality ratings

The crucial issue with any individual entry in the Family Tree is if there is a valid historical source (record, document etc.) showing a parent/child relationship. Absence of this important documentation means the person without a continuing source for a parent/child relationship is essentially the end of the line, not a child of the family, or is not a sibling. I certainly understand about beginning genealogists adding information from their composite family memory, but these living and recently dead people are usually easier to document. 

The issue of the absence of a document showing a parent/child relationship is extremely common in lines on the FamilySearch Family Tree that go back into the early 1800s and 1700s. I find this end of line almost 100% of the time when I see one of these lines that wanders back into the Middle Ages. To make this clear, the end of the line on any ancestral line occurs when there is no document showing a parent/child relationship. 

So any quality rating that does not include some way of determining this basic relationship for moving back an additional generation is incomplete and needs further research. Records that could show such a relationship to the next generation include birth records, probate records, land and property records. military records, tax records, census records, and many others. 

In addition, continuing research for additional generations based on one document is also a very bad idea. The main reason is the prevalence of people with the same name. The accuracy of the family tree rises and falls on this one simple issue. 

Here is an example of an ancestral line that begins with this person who has NO sources and continues for generations: Edward Morgan L4Y1-F4P.  The Family Tree shows 17 or 18 or more generations back from this one person without a source record who was married in Shepherdstown, Jefferson, West Virginia, United States up to a hundred years before any of these places existed except Shepherdstown that was established on December 23, 1762.  Jefferson County was established in 1801 in Virginia. West Virginia did not exist until June 20, 1863. This is just the tip of this messy ancestral line. The last person in this line without a further generational parent/child relationship is Garrad Morgan L7GZ-YBB who was born in 1755. He is the "real" end of the line that stretches back more than twenty generations. It doesn't really matter too much at all that the Quality Score for L7GZ-YBB is Medium and his non-existent father GM8Y-L9D is also Medium and does not exist.  I do think the ratings are helpful, but do not yet assess the accuracy of the entries. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Some common steps to online security


Security is one of the major concerns of the day. You can regularly read about huge websites and databases being hacked and the information stored compromised. Security on your computer or your smartphone should be as automatic as locking your door at night (or during the day depending on where you live) and routinely locking your car unless you live in San Francisco and leave it unlocked and empty to avoid a broken window. Even genealogists need to be aware of the security of our data. 

The first and most common issue is logins and passwords. Basic security mandates logins and passwords that have enough characters (letters, numbers, and other symbols) to be harder to sign in (weak vs. strong). In addition, each password should be unique. It is not a good idea to reuse a password. Most of us have a place we keep our passwords. That place should be secure and subject to password protection also. If you have them on a piece of paper, make sure the location of the list is secure. 

One way to create a strong password is to use a combination of words, numbers and symbols. For example: this is a strong password "ElephantMachineDoctor34!!" assuming it does not exceed the number of characters mandated by the website or program you are entering. Random letter, number, and symbol passwords are extremely hard to remember and difficult to type correctly. Although the password generated by the websites or programs are strong, they are also random and arbitrary. 

The next level of security concern is when you are using a computer in a library, FamilySearch Center, or some other publicly accessible place. Depending on the facility where the computer is located, unless you log out of any programs you use, the computer may remember the login and password and allow any random person who uses the computer have access after you leave. For example here in the BYU Library Family History Center, if you login to websites and programs, some of the websites and programs will keep you logged in even if you log out of the main BYU access program. In the case of the university, all the computers are supposed to be wiped clean every night but we still find absent people signed in on a regular basis. 

Email addresses are not intended to be secure. One obvious reason is that your email address will likely be used as your login although sometimes the website will send you an email to verify that it is your email address. It is a good idea to have one email address for day-to-day use and another used for signing into secure websites. You can have several different email logins but using more than one or two for routine email become complicated. The multiple emails can cause problems when they are used as the login for a website and then forgotten. You may have to log into the website and the website will send a key for logging in to your old email address and if this happens to be the one you have forgotten or closed, you may go through a complex issue with the website before being admitted.

If you forgotten your login or password, most websites and programs have a way to restore the password or have create a new one. Always remember to immediately write down the new password. If you are like me, I would forget what I used almost as soon as I was through logging in. 

An unrelated issue is maintaining the security of your computer, smartphone, or other device. Pinning your passwords on a stick it note is not a good idea unless you take another step and encode all your pass words. Your code could be quite simple: 3456Missippi23!!! could be shown on your password list as 34M2!!! and you could then have created a system that only you know about that lets you know that 34 is 3456, M is Mississippi, and 2!!! is really 23!!!.

There are many more security concerns. Phishing is one issue that is becoming endemic. Phishing involves send a legitimate looking email requesting some personal information. Phishing is not limited to email,  it is also becoming common with text messages and phone calls. If you get an unfamiliar email, text, or phone call make sure that you do not open the email or text and do not answer the phone call even to tell the person on the line to hang up. You should have a working voice mail if you are concerned about having phone calls from a sizable group of people. Let the phone call go to voice mail and if it turns out to be a legitimate phone call, text or email, you can either call the person back or contact them in some other way. Legitimate contacts will leave a voice mail or call you more directly so you know who is calling. 

Genealogical information is usually not private and since it found in available historical records, the information is not something that people who are trying to gather personal information to sell or use for criminal purposes. One exception is the common banking "secure" question that is the maiden name of your grandmother or some other relative. People like me have multiple family trees on various websites and almost all my family trees are open to the public and contain the maiden name of my grandmother (or some other person). Apparently banks do not know about online family trees.

Another issue happens when a website you are using is hacked. You might get a notice to change your login and/or password. Do it the minute the procedure is available. On the other hand, if you are not really using the website it is a good idea to sign out, if you can, and take the program off your computer or stop using the website. But don't use the old password.

This subject could go on for volumes with examples of dangerous behaviors. But the basic idea here is to be aware of the need for security and learn about the ways your security can be increased. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

MyHeritage Inbox Gets a Fresh New Look


MyHeritage Blog

Probably the first question you may have is what is the Inbox? The Inbox allows you to connect with your relatives around the world. Here is an explanation from the MyHeritage Blog
MyHeritage’s platform for genealogy and DNA is collaborative, and one of its main advantages is that it allows you to connect with other MyHeritage users around the world. Whether it’s through a Smart Match™ or DNA Match that you received on MyHeritage, getting in touch with another user on the other side of the match is key to understanding how you are related. It can often lead to major breakthroughs in your research, and some MyHeritage users have said that it changed their lives. Our popular Inbox feature has been helping our users make those connections for many years, and the time has come to improve it and give it a fresh new look. We’re delighted to share that the MyHeritage Inbox has just been redesigned to make it much more user-friendly, while maintaining the same functionality our users know and love.

The updated design makes the Inbox easier to use and navigate, and unlike the previous version, it is now fully supported on mobile web. You can now access your inbox from the menu when visiting the MyHeritage website in your mobile web browser.
The ability to contact other users of the program directly enhances your ability to find lost or unknown relatives. I routinely advise people who are looking for an immigrant to put their family tree on and to take a MyHeritage DNA Test. These two steps can help find these immigrant brick wall relatives. Yes, of course, a subscription to MyHeritage has a cost but where else can you find this information. MyHeritage has millions of users in Europe and around the world. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Thoughts on the FamilySearch Research Wiki

The Research Wiki went online in 2007. Almost immediately, I began contributing content as part of the Wiki Support Team. For approximately, the next eight years or so, I worked with an ad hoc committee of contributors who mainly served at the Salt Lake City Family History Library (Now the FamilySearch Library). I continued to be actively involved until about 2019 when editing the wiki was taken internally by FamilySearch. At that time, it appeared that the Research Wiki had mostly been abandoned. Since then, my contributions have been sporadic because of my other responsibilities. On July 1, 2024, FamilySearch took the Wiki entirely internally and notified me that I could no longer add content or edit existing entries directly. Thus ended my direct involvement with the Research Wiki after 17 years. Oh, I might mention that after the Research Wiki appeared to have been abandoned, it revived somewhat a few years ago and began to be useful again. 

Here is the content of one of the notices I received about the Research Wiki.

We are standardizing specific types of pages on the Wiki to improve the Wiki experience for all users including those new to our website. The following is a list of pages affected and details and standardization regarding the information on that page.

Until further notice, all new pages in the Wiki must be coordinated with Wiki Administration.

I had one rude contact from someone at FamilySearch when I questioned the complete shutdown.  

Wikis can be open-edit, moderated or closed and only available by specific invitation. You might ask, how I know that the wiki has been abandoned and how do I know if it is working again? Until they purge me from the website, I am still registered and the wiki shows 500 of my most recent contributions. However, each of the pages that I worked on has a complete record of all the changes, so older pages will show my earlier contributions back to 2007. These histories are extremely valuable as a way to see when certain changes were made to each article (page). In addition, you can follow almost any of the pages of Research Wiki and be notified by email of any subsequent changes. This allows the pages to be monitored for content and accuracy. I know when the Research Wiki was abandoned because I follow 1,124 pages and when I stop getting notified of changes, I know the Research Wiki is dormant. By the way, since July 1, 2024, it has been mostly dormant but I see there have been 250 changes in the last 12 days, however, it appears that all the changes have been to broken links or adding links with a few content updates. 

I can go into a long, really long, discussion about the structure, the content, and the purpose of the Research Wiki, but I don't have the time to write about it right now. 

By the way, because most of the other regular contributors to the Research Wiki were older than I was at the time, I assume they have almost all died off or retired. 

Now the issues. 

From the very first, we were trying to establish standardized page designs for all the different categories. During all the early development of the Wiki, I frequently raised the issue of having the pages moderated with FamilySearch. I kept pointing out that an unmoderated wiki would get out of control quickly. FamilySearch never even wanted to discuss the issue. Today, despite this effort to "standardize specific pages of the Wiki" the effort will fail if there is no consistent moderation. FamilySearch has never allocated the resources necessary to maintain 100,000+ pages of the wiki with internal staff and Church Service Missionaries. I still watch a few hundred pages, and I can see that hardly any editing is going on. You could take me off of the wiki but what would that accomplish. The coordination and moderation of the Wiki does not need to be done in a "high handed" manner. Presently, you are discouraging the very people who have the knowledge to contribute accurate and consistently standardized content. For example, the English County Derbyshire page is out of date, and I can only assume all the other 47 English counties are also out of date. Some or most of the pages are also out of date. The longer editing is on hold, more pages will be out of date. Here is an example of what has gone on in the last 100 years for English Counties. Cornwall, England has 213 civil parishes, with the exception of the unpopulated Wolf Rock, which is the only unparished area in the county. These parishes are governed by a variety of local councils, including: 168 parish councils, 28 town councils, A city council, A community council, and 15 parish meetings. This parish structure began changing more than 100 years ago and presently, all of the county boundaries have changed. Another example, Herefordshire. Administratively Herefordshire was merged with Worcestershire in 1974 to form the county of Hereford and Worcester. This administrative unit survived only until 1988, when the Unitary Authority of Herefordshire was formed, with much the same borders as the traditional county.

Ok, so what is my point? The Research Wiki is a wiki and maintenance requires extensive cooperation and contribution. I cannot understand why FamilySearch etc. are so certain that they all know what will "improve the wiki experience for all" when the information is becoming dated as I write this. We have a wonderful resource contributed by hundreds (if not thousands) of people. Keeping the Research Wiki a useful tool involves much more than dumbing it down to include those who are new to the website. We now have AI to help. Maybe the needs of the new users is better addressed by a section of the wiki devoted to new users. There are a lot of possible improvements that could be made but closing out experienced users is not one of them. 

Last question, how many of the people in FamilySearch's group can read and edit HTML? I can.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Epic file enrichment using

Enriching your digitized documents comes about when the handwriting is transcribed, the photos identified, and the text indexed. All this can be done with Kindex has an enhancement for every type of document. All of this is achieved through a helpful interface. Yes, is a freemium program, many of the useful services such as handwriting recognition and complete document indexing are fee based but the product cost outweighs the cost and time of manual transcription or indexing. Watch the video to see how this website may resolve many of the issues you have as a genealogist or family historian with a pile of paper stored somewhere in your house, garage, or storage unit.

Heredis 2025 is the version marking the 30th anniversary of the software with more than 30 innovations! Heredis 2025 is, by far, the most extensive upgrade we’ve ever released for our genealogy software. The 2025 version includes more than 30 innovations. Almost every section of the application has been significantly improved. 

You may not have heard about the desktop genealogy program called Heredis, but as you can see, the program has been around for 30 years. What you may not know, is that with access to FamilySearch, you can search its universal Family Tree and access many digital documents to further your research into your ancestors. Compare relatives in your tree with those in FamilySearch and potentially find additional ancestors from their historical records. You can also import descendants and ancestors from FamilySearch’s universal Family Tree to your Heredis tree.

See Be careful how you spell Heredis.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Watch an Instant Handwritten Journal Transcription

This video is remarkable as I am shown how can transcribe a handwritten journal from the 1930s in a very short time. One page is almost instantaneous, 200+ pages takes just a few minutes. You do need the explanation about how and why this works from the beginning of the video. This is worth the time. 

RootsTech 2025 Registration Now Open


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Early Bird Registration for RootsTech 2025 begins 25 September

 Yes, it is that time of year again when you begin thinking about the new year. Coming on March 6-8, 2025 is Yes, it will be online and in person. Yes, you will get a lot more out of the conference by being there in person. Yes, it is cold and may be windy or stormy in Salt Lake City, Utah in March. Yes, I am planning on being there with The Family History Guide,, and all the rest. Yes, I am teaching one class on research in Latin America which is what I do the most of lately for people with questions. Yes, I would be glad to talk to anyone who will be there also. If you are planning on staying in Salt Lake City, most of the downtown hotels are already starting to fill up. There is an alternative: This is a free or inexpensive way to travel around the city. It also goes to the airport. You probably also need to know that there is a lot of construction going on in downtown Salt Lake City and we all have to adapt to closed streets etc. It is not too early to plan, in fact, it is getting close to being late. We will be staying in Salt Lake and taking the FrontRunner train to and from Salt Lake from Provo. Hope to see you there. 

Upcoming Webtember Webinars from MyHeritage and Legacy Family Tree Webinars


Upcoming Webtember Webinars

Take your genealogy skills to the next level with this online genealogy conference, held each Friday in September: 20 live webinars in all. I know this is a little late in being posted but there is still time to see some outstanding webinars. 

Monday, September 9, 2024 has just acquired, a company that speicalizes in French Canadian Genealogy

Quoting from an email announcement, 

September 9, 2024 — MyHeritage, the leading global family history platform, announced today the acquisition of, a popular family history service specializing in French Canadian genealogy. This is the 13th acquisition by MyHeritage. In August 2021, MyHeritage acquired Filae, the leading genealogy service in France. With the addition of, these acquisitions bolster the company’s leadership position in the global genealogy market and secure its prominence in the Francophone world.

Founded in 2004, has grown to become Quebec’s most popular family history service, with over one million users. The website offers an online family tree builder with automated features to add ancestors, based on a proprietary algorithm for French phonetics developed by the company. is also home to approximately 15 million historical records from Canada, primarily from Quebec, and several exclusive collections.

Quoting further from the announcement:

 “We are delighted to welcome to the MyHeritage family,” said Gilad Japhet, Founder and CEO of MyHeritage. “Canadian genealogists will have much to gain from the combination of the two companies. We’ve been impressed with’s accomplishments, and this acquisition reinforces our commitment to expanding the resources for French-speaking genealogists. Together we remain committed to the mission of helping everyone discover and preserve their family history for the benefit of future generations.”

“MyHeritage’s technologies are outstanding, and the company continues to make its mark as a global leader in family history,” said Jean Trudel, Founder and CEO of “Their innovative spirit, know-how, and global footprint will strengthen our brand and deliver even greater value to genealogists in Canada and abroad.”

We all look forward to the continued growth of the online genealogy websites.