Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...

Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Look at, Searchable Archives for Everyone

Back in 2016, at the conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, when the conference included an Innovator Showdown, I wrote a post about the winners. See OldNews USA Wins Top Honors at RootsTech 2017 Innovator Showdown, won the People's Choice award. Unlike many of the companies who participated and won awards, Kindex has not only survived, it has thrived. Now, with thousands of customers and newly developed artificial intelligence (AI) features, the website can now handle a variety of archival needs, some of which did not exist at the time of the 2016 RootsTech conference. 

I didn't need to say a lot because there was so much information from Kimball Clark. I was surprised at the number of new features being added to the website. If you have any archival needs, is the solution. Take some time to view the video. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Fatal Flaws of AI Chatbots


Even a diamond can have its flaws. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is big in the news right now but for all the hype, there is a growing undercurrent of realization that it has some perhaps fatal flaws. Unless these flaws are fixed the utility of the programs will remain superficial and only marginally useful for pursuits such as historical or genealogical research. Here are two examples of the flaws. 

Flaw #1: Lack of citations to the source for the information supplied.

This isn't important to people who are not doing historical research, but when the chatbot gives you a date and description for a historical event, you need to know it is accurate. 

Flaw #2 The citations, when present are superficial and sometimes inaccurate information and not to original records or sources. 

The only chatbot that attempts to give source citations in the form of footnotes is Microsoft Copilot. Even then, the citations are mostly heavily dependent on and other websites heavily covered in ads. So, the chatbot is merely acting as a search engine with a Natural Language Interface. Let me show an example using Google Gemini to ask a question about the history of Apache County, Arizona. 

Prompt: Tell me about the history of Apache County, Arizona including the names of some of the original settlers and the settler's background. 

Here is a screen shot of the response. You might note that there are only two dates: 1879 and 1882. You can click on the image to get a larger copy.

If you take the time to read this response, you might want to know a few other details that are missing. First, for the northeast area of Arizona, the first county created was Yavapai in 1864. This was followed by Apache County in 1879. Navajo County was created in 1897. The earliest European settlements in this part of Arizona (excluding Native Americans that date back thousands of years) were of the towns of Brigham City, Joseph City (Allen's Camp), Obed, and Sunset in 1876. Joseph City (originally Allen's Camp and then St. Joseph) is the only surviving town. Both Snowflake and Taylor were established in 1878. 

The earliest or oldest continually occupied is the town in Arizona is Old Oraibi, more than 800 years old. Here is one reference book about the colonization. 

Tanner, George S., and J. Morris Richards. Colonization on the Little Colorado: The Joseph City Region. 1st ed. Flagstaff: Northland Press, 1977.

AI misses too much to be really reliable with historical or genealogical research. That might change. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

AI Spotlight for RootsTech 2025 Tell Your Story


RootsTech 2025 will be in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Salt Palace, March 6th through 8th, 2025.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Take a look at FamilySearch Labs

The current experiments in FamilySearch Labs include:

  • Merge Analysis View: Understand the nuances of a merge from a tree person’s change log.
  • Expand your search with Full Text: Unlock hidden discoveries in historical records that have never been searchable until now.
  • Family Group Trees: Gather your family into a group, and see the same living tree. Enrich your history with photos, stories, and sources.
  • Find Help with AI Search: Explore how an AI-assisted search might provide better guidance and help for doing research and using the FamilySearch website.
  • Profile Quality Score: Display a quality estimate for a profile in the Family Tree. Only available on certain profiles.
Each of these options has detailed instructions. I have written about some of these experiments in the past but they continue to evolve. 

Collaboration between MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA

 Quoting from an email announcement of July 18, 2024. 

This collaboration, which includes integration between the MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA websites, enables FamilyTreeDNA customers to transfer their family trees to MyHeritage, and to continue building them on MyHeritage. FamilyTreeDNA users can now easily transfer their family trees to MyHeritage for free, after providing consent on both FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage.

This collaboration is an extension the longstanding partnership between the two companies. Quoting further from the announcement:

This strategic decision allows FamilyTreeDNA to focus on its expertise in DNA testing services and reporting, while providing its users with access to the powerful family tree tools and technologies offered by MyHeritage.

To facilitate this collaboration, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA have developed a technical integration that now enables FamilyTreeDNA users to seamlessly transfer their family tree data to MyHeritage. This process is voluntary; however, transferring the tree data to MyHeritage is encouraged, as FamilyTreeDNA will officially sunset their family tree builder on September 9, 2024. At that point, all family trees on FamilyTreeDNA will become read-only. It will still be possible to transfer trees from FamilyTreeDNA to MyHeritage after this date, but this functionality may not be available forever, so the sooner the transfer is done, the better. Access to DNA results on FamilyTreeDNA will remain unchanged. 

This agreement will apparently affect FamilyTreeDNA users with family trees on the FamilyTreeDNA website much more that those with family trees on MyHeritage.  

Friday, July 12, 2024

Some Random Comments on AI


The attention paid to artificial intelligence the past year or so has engendered a massive amount of jargon. Here are a few terms to get you started. Oh, I decided to add a few of my own comments to the definitions. If you want a very complete glossary of AI, see

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Computer systems capable of performing complex tasks that historically only a human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, or solving problems. (my comments are in italics) AI is an oxymoron, it is neither artificial nor intelligent. It was an inappropriate term from the beginning and is only getting worse from overuse. It is primarily an advanced search engine with a natural language interface. 

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): A type of artificial intelligence (AI) that matches or surpasses human capabilities across a wide range of cognitive tasks. This is in contrast to narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks. AGI is considered one of various definitions of strong AI. No one, as yet, has developed anything approaching AGI notwithstanding the claims. According to Ray Kurzweill, AI development will reach the point at which machine's intelligence and humans would merge and technological growth becomes uncontrollable. Kurzweill calls this the "Sigularity" See eBay. “The Singularity Is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil... 9780143037880.” Accessed July 12, 2024. There is also a newer book eBay. “The Singularity Is Nearer : When We Merge with AI by Ray Kurzweil (2024,... 9780399562761.” Accessed July 12, 2024.

Chatbot: At the most basic level, a chatbot is a computer program that simulates and processes human conversation (either written or spoken), allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with a real person. Considering the fact that I have to communicate with the AI programs using this conversational tool, I guess I need to figure out the most efficient way to talk to them (it, whatever)

Prompts: AI prompting refers to the process of interacting with an artificial intelligence (AI) system by providing specific instructions or queries to achieve a desired outcome. It has become important to design the prompts in advance so that you don't spend a lot of time trying get a usable response. 
Going on two years now, I have been working with AI image generators and chatbots. I appreciate the additional features of the chatbots but there is only one, so far, that provides any source information that makes what they produce useful. I wrote about some of my impressions back in March. See

Here are some additional examples using the same prompt with each chatbot. 

Prompt:Tell me about the 1973 fire at the National Personnel Records Center and include which records were lost and which were saved. This is a standard type of question I would be asking in putting together a presentation on military records. Here is the main source for the information: National Archives. “The 1973 Fire, National Personnel Records Center,” August 15, 2016.

I might have pointed out previously that when I test a search engine or now, a chatbot, I ask questions about things I already know. That gives me an idea of the depth of the response. I had to take screenshots of the responses because they were going to make this post way too long. You can click on the image to see the text. 

Google Gemini: 

At the end of this fairly good explanation Gemini said I could find more information from which is correct but not very useful. The fatal flaw is that I would need to go do the research myself and see if what Gemini said is correct. I suspect this will be the response from most chatbots. 

ChatGPT 4o 

About the same information but not sources even the link to the National Archives. When I asked it where it got the information, it said from NARA or National Archives and Records. Once again, I am back doing my own research. 


Because I know the specific source of the information, I am puzzled why the chatbots can't just tell me where what they said came from. I suspect that the information they give me is from theri Large Language Model training and they really have no idea how to find the source of the information. 

Microsoft Copilot

Now, this says about the same thing as the others, but there are footnotes and links to the National Archives document about the fire. Following the links takes you directly to a source. You can tell if the information given is consistent and accurate. Here is the link I used to create this prompt. The 1973 Fire, National Personnel Records Center | National Archives

Here I am working in genealogy. I am spending time on the Family Tree where I find entries with sources and entries without sources. Presently, I find no use for a response either on the Family Tree or from a chatbot that doesn't give me sources. You can make up your own mind but I happen to like accuracy. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Videos vs. Blog Posts Using the FamilySearch Full Text Search Feature-A Genealogical Goldmine

During the past month, I have researched and produced about 11 presentations, eight, of which, are now on the BYU Library Family History Center YouTube Channel, Being involved with this level of in-person presentations takes some significant time. Of course living takes some time also. We have had significant family events and some medical involvement, so writing blog posts has been put on hold for a few weeks. Notwithstanding, the amount of time spent on other issues, I have not forgotten the blog. 

Now, if you really want to know what is going on, I suggest looking at the stream of videos we are collectively producing each week from the BYU Library Family History Center. Oh, by the way, we have a new website, although the old one is still online. See There is also a set of all the nearly 1000 videos on the BYU Library website. We also do live online classes every week. See We also have a webinar scheduled during the week. See 

There is a lot more going on than just presentations and classes. But to see what I am working on, you can see the videos as a good sample of other activities. 

Monday, June 24, 2024 Grows by 11.6 Million Nordic Newspapers

This isn't exactly new news but it is an indication of the way the website is likely to grow. If you haven't looked at the website, you should. Quoting from the announcement back in May:

The new content includes historical local, regional and national newspapers, periodicals and gazettes from SwedenFinlandDenmarkIcelandNorwayGreenland, and the Faroe Islands, with articles dating back to 1666, but mostly from the 19th century.

They are incredibly useful for anyone researching Nordic roots: we’ve gathered them from various sources into one place, making it easier than ever to search through them.

Here is a link to a video explaining the content and function of the website.

I tried a search for a local Eastern Arizona newspaper and immediately found 188 results for one of my ancestors. Here is an example of one article. 

I am sure that the collection will focus on European newspapers from the list of countries in the place search but a general search for pages from the U.S. came up with almost 115 million pages. This is a paywall program but some of the content is also available on the website. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Finally a way to quickly identify and correct entries on the FamilySearch Family Family Tree -- Family Tree Validator


I learned about this app at RootsTech 2024, a couple of months ago. I am sorry I have not written about it sooner but after talking to the developer, I was waiting for some changes before I went online with a post. 

The  Family Tree Validator, is a free Chrome extension by Robert Scott at Find My Roots Consulting. You can find this app by searching in the Chrome Web Store. 

This app does exactly what it says it does. It validates entries in the Family Tree and gives you way of directly correcting the issues identified. I have been suggesting both types of features to FamilySearch for many years. There is a series of slides on the Validator site that explain the extension. Here is a quote from the extension website about the Validator.
Ensure that the information in your family's tree on FamilySearch is correct and complete. Validator makes it quick and easy. 
The purpose of the Family Tree Validator is to find inconsistencies, errors, missing data in your family's tree. Because these errors are under the surface, you may not even be aware that anything is wrong. It will make suggestions on items that may help FamilySearch find additional matches. It can even find cleanup items like date and location inconsistencies. Best of all, it makes fixing these simple issues very easy! Validator checks that the information currently in FamilySearch about your family is 'reasonable'. That means common sense tests are applied EVERYWHERE. It checks all the information currently available, comparing husband and wife, children, parents and siblings. The extension further checks each attached source record that the information was fully added into FamilySearch. This saves you massive time in doing this review yourself!
The Validator extension works when you are looking at a particular profile page in the FamilySearch Family Tree. You can see an example from one of my family lines above. The advantage is that changes can be made directly from the app such as standardization without an extra step. Because it is a browser app, it is always available for use. Go to the website for complete instructions. 

The Fix Everything feature allows you to make all the suggested changes at once. This is an advanced feature and should be used sparingly. It is important to review and evaluate every possible change. No system can account for every possible place or other data. Care and accuracy should always be a main concern. 

If you are living under the entirely mistaken impression that your part of the Family Tree is perfect, I suggest installing this free app and testing in on a few of the entries you think are correct in every way. With the newly added corrections, this app is invaluable in making your entries closer to correct as it is currently possible. However, if it suggests a “correction” and you happen to disagree with the suggested change, you can always ignore the suggestion, but I would take it a bit further and do some additional research to see if the suggested change is accurate. You might end up learning a little history in this process. 

In my example above, all of the changes suggested were standardization issues. This is an entire separate topic. The Validator does point out that few of the places mentioned in Other Information section of the profile were or are standardized. This brings up another interesting issue of whether the places in Other Information need to be standardized. I am sure the Validator will bring up a lot of questions. I suggest being brave and install it and see if you can out guess it. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Photo Scanner Introduced on MyHeritage App

New: Multi-Photo Scanner on the MyHeritage Mobile App recently added a powerful, state-of-the-art Photo Scanner to the MyHeritage mobile app! Watch the video linked above for a quick overview of the new Photo Scanner.

Quoting from the blog post:

Photo Scanner is a state-of-the-art feature developed by MyHeritage’s AI team. It enables quick and easy scanning of entire album pages or multiple loose photos in a single tap. The scanner then uses cutting-edge, cloud-based AI technology to automatically detect the individual photos and crop them, saving hours of work traditionally required with other scanners. Scanned photos are saved in a dedicated album on your MyHeritage family site.

This is a dramatic addition to the MyHeritage collection of photo enhancement and acquisition tools. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Foundation for East European Family History Studies in-person Conference August 6-9, 2024

FEEFHS is holding their annual conference in Salt Lake City from August 6-9. This content-packed event features almost 60 classes on researching genealogies of Eastern and Central Europe. Several optional pre-conference workshops will be offered on August 5. Plus, we’ll host a welcome reception and offer an optional closing banquet with plenary presentation on our last night where we celebrate together. It promises to be a great gathering with rich opportunities for learning and hands-on research at the adjacent FamilySearch Library.

If you are looking for reasonably priced accommodation, the Plaza Hotel that hosts the conference offers a discounted rate for conference attendees. Registration, workshops, classes and social events will be held at the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel at Temple Square. Conveniently located in the heart of downtown, the Plaza is next door to the FamilySearch Library. Temple Square is across the street. Other historical sites, shopping, dining, and many arts venues are nearby. The Plaza Hotel is located at 122 West South Temple.

Instruction for Eastern European genealogists and family history researchers will occur over four days with eight interest-area tracks. Topics will encompass countries and regions of Central and Eastern Europe, including areas of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire, Russian Empire/USSR and more. Other topics will include DNA, minority and ethnicity research, general resources, and technology for family history.

I will be teaching three classes:

  • Using an AI Chatbot to Translate 133 Languages 
  • Discovering the Records of Eastern European Minority Populations 
  • How Historic Polish Boundary Changes Affect Genealogical Records

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Who Do You Believe:? The Accuracy of Inherited Genealogy


Many genealogists "inherited" their interest in genealogy from a relative: parent, a grandparent, or some other relation. I became interested in genealogy in a different way, but I still inherited a lot of documents and information from two great-grandmothers. One of my great-grandmother published an almost 700 page book about her ancestral lines. The other great-grandmother left a pile of boxes 5 feet tall with thousands of documents and letters. In addition, for over fifteen years, by visiting the then Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, I accumulated a pile of photocopied family group records and pedigree charts over three feet tall. This all began about 42 years ago. Consistently, for all of those 42 years, I have been involved in correcting and augmenting the massive amount of information I initially received from my relatives and ancestors. Fortunately, all of that paper has now been incorporated into the Family Tree. 

But what I found over the last 42 years is that the initial information was incomplete and in very many cases inaccurate. The fact that my great-grandmothers spent a major portion of their lives "doing genealogy" did not make their efforts particularly accurate or complete. 

As I have worked with other would-be genealogists over those many years, I find a common theme. The theme is the same from hundreds of people. The theme is the story of the perfect genealogical relative; the researcher who spent his or her life gathering genealogical information about the family with an accuracy that is now carved in stone. 

Much of my 42 year genealogical effort has been spent correcting the errors I and others have inherited from these perfect ancestral genealogists. This monumental effort is ongoing due to newer generations of would-be genealogists who insist that their perfect ancestral genealogist recorded on paper or old Personal Ancestral File disks is absolutely correct and anything that appears to disagree with the perfect ancestor in the FamilySearch Family Tree has to be wrong. It is very hard to argue with perfection. 

The reality is that we have an enormously larger availability of historical records than my great-grandmothers had to use in doing our own research. One quote from one of the published books by one great-grandmother is a perfect example of the changes wrought by technology. Here is the quote: 
We know our ancestors were in London as early, possibly about 1700 to 1735. Perhaps in the future records will come into our hands to prove where they came from to England. We hope so. We have gathered names from various countries, cities, churches, through correspondence, &c.. and have them on hand, but cannot connect them to our line. We have also quite a number who are connected. Overson, Margaret Godfrey Jarvis. George Jarvis and Joseph George De Friez Genealogy. [Mesa?, Ariz.]: [M.G. Jarvis Overson], 1957.

The answer is I now have records dating back to the early 1600s in the Netherlands with this same family. This does not diminish or denigrate the work done in the early 1900s on my lines, but it does illustrate the fact that, in many cases, those "perfect genealogists" realized the limitations of their work which are now being considered to be perfect. 

Now, I am in no way disparaging the work done by these wonderful people. I have always felt honored to have such diligent research that was done, but I now have a lot more information than they had access to and unless there are citations to actual historical records the traditional paper-based genealogy has little value. We are now coming to the end of the major transition that began in about 1970 and now those people who did the original work are all gone and most of their children are now gone. I have also seen a significant decrease in people bringing me questions about pre-computer information. Although, it is interesting that the use of this "ancestral" record is still haunting the FamilySearch Family Tree. You can see this phenomena by looking at almost any person in the Family Tree from New England and born before 1700. Here is a randomly chosen example. 

You can see the list of changes by clicking on the image or going to John Kenyon I KNQL-7VM in the Family Tree. The reality here is that there is no controversy or question about this family and none of these changes have been made because new documents have been found. The last source added that pertained to this individual or family was added almost ten years ago, but the changes just keep coming from people who have outdated and unsubstantiated inherited records. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Exploring the legal Issues of Artificial Intelligence


As a retired attorney with over 39 years of trial experience and as an author, photographer, and blogger, I became interested in the issues of intellectual property law well before computer programs and the internet became legal issues. My technological background also dates back to the 1970s when computers filled an entire floor of the engineering department at the University of Utah. With my interest and background, I taught copyright law to both students and to my fellow lawyers in Arizona. Concurrent with my legal career, my genealogical background goes back more than 40 years. 

Because I am a retired attorney and no longer practice law, none of what I say in this post should be treated as legal advice for any particular legal issue. 

Now that said, the current media interest in the significant advances in artificial intelligence has highlighted some new legal issues primarily concerning copyright law. To begin this exploration, it is necessary to refer to some of the Federal statutes that pre-exist the advent of personal computer use. 

First of all, copyright is solely a federal issue. The right to own a copyright on intellectual property begins with two provisions of the U.S. Constitution. 

Article I Section 8 | Clause 8 – Patent and Copyright Clause of the Constitution: Congress shall have power... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.

First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

For more information about the origins of copyright law, see the following:

“Article 1 Section 8 Clause 8 | Constitution Annotated | Congress.Gov | Library of Congress.” Accessed November 11, 2023.
Justia Law. “Origins and Scope of the Power.” Accessed November 11, 2023.
Kopel, Matthew. “LibGuides: Copyright Services: Copyright Term and the Public Domain.” Accessed November 11, 2023.

Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center. “US Constitution,” April 8, 2013.

Congressional interest in copyright law began on May 31, 1790 with the enactment of the first copyright law is enacted under the new United States Constitution. The new law is relatively limited in scope, protecting books, maps, and charts for only 14 years. These works were registered in the United States District Courts.

 “History and Education | U.S. Copyright Office.” Accessed November 11, 2023.

Of course, I could write a book about copyright law but for this exploration, I will jump to 1976 when the fourth general revision of the copyright law was passed extending Federal protection to "all works, both unpublished and published, once they are fixed in a tangible form." 

“Timeline 1950 - 2000 | U.S. Copyright Office.” Accessed November 11, 2023.

The next major copyright date is March 1, 1989 when the United States joined the Berne Convention. The practical application of joining the Berne Convention is that copyright claims exist without any formal notice. In other words, you have a claim of copyright even though there is no symbol or other notice on your work. 

Now we come to artificial intelligence or AI. Before I get into the legal issues of AI, I have to acknowledge that Google has a convenient way to research federal and state court cases. The app is called Google Scholar. It doesn't have the bells and whistles of or, but it is free to use. 

As I said above, copyright and other intellectual property claims can only be filed in federal courts. So, for a practical reality check, the initial cost of filing something such as a violation of copyright claim would be into the tens of thousands of dollars. 

A quick search of the federal court cases for "artificial intelligence" from Google Scholar brings up only 675 results. This doesn't mean that there are that many cases where the issue was AI, all it means is that the term showed up in that many cases.  Oh, what if I add in the term "genealogy"? The total number of cases drops to 23. Then I add in a filter limiting the search to the last five years. Well, that ends this discussion quickly. There are no cases where genealogy and artificial intelligence were the topics. If I remove "genealogy" as a search term and leave the filter at after 2020, then the number jumps up to 338 cases. 

As you would imagine if you understood the economics of bringing a federal lawsuit, the parties that show up in this list include companies such as Google, Reuters, National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, Amazon, McDonald's, Apple, TIKTOK, Microsoft, and so forth. So, what does this mean for genealogists?

Now, I add "copyright" to the list of cases and the number drops to 52 cases. So, if you were listening to the news, you would think that AI and copyright issues were really important. However, the number of cases over the past four years would seen to indicate otherwise. In addition, if I limit my search to the Supreme Court of the United States, there are only five cases. None of these cases involve issues that are currently being discussed in the news. Maybe four years is too soon for cases of this nature? 

So, my only conclusion at this time is that it is too early to see if any of the issues that are being discussed in the online news stream turn out to be real legal issues that make their way to the Supreme Court. Of course, this doesn't mean that there will not be litigation is the future or that some cases may be wending their way through the District Courts, but right now there is nothing in the decided cases to talk about. There is one case about copyright but it is not about AI so much. See Google Llc v. Oracle America, Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1183 (Supreme Court 2020).

Friday, March 29, 2024

Google Search or AI Chatbot, that is the question


I hope I don't have to tell you this image is an AI generated image. 

I just read an article from The Verge entitled "Here's why AI search engines really can't kill Google." It started me thinking about the thousands of searches I had done in the past few weeks using Google Search, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot. I realized that I had come to the same conclusion months ago. AI does what it does and Google Search does what it does. AI is not trying to copy Google Search and I assume that Google Search isn't even particularly aware of what AI does. The simple example of this statement is the following hypothetical example search.

Me: Amazon [typed in the Google Search field} (Note: I am wanting to look up a price on an item on but I am too lazy to search more specifically.)

Google Search: The first item is a link to 


How about the same question and response from Microsoft Copilot easily the best generative AI chatbot at the present time. 

Me: Amazon

Here is the answer from Copilot after a few seconds of searching. 

Yes, it gave me the link to Amazon, but also gave information I did not ask for. No, I am not that stupid, I do not need to ask about Amazon's URL, I realize it is and that is the end of this example. 

The chatbot is sort of like one of my friends or even like me. If I just walked up to someone (a live person) and said the word "Amazon" They would probably say What? Why are telling me the word Amazon? Do you mean Wonder Woman or the online store? Copilot didn't mention Wonder Woman but it did, at least, give me a link to the website. I realize this seems to be a trivial example, but it really isn't trivial. 

Using a chatbot to do research is more that simply asking questions. You need to understand what you are trying to learn. Your questions or prompts need to reflect accurate information. You essentially get what you ask for whether you meant to ask for it or not. The chatbot, if it has a huge Large Language Model or a specialized Large Language Model will begin to learn from you about the information you are looking for. For example, If I use the term "Family Tree" with descriptions, a broad chatbot such as Microsoft Copilot will "understand" that I am asking about genealogy and family history. A lessor based chatbot will never recognize the distinction and keep answering with trees and families. 

Both the AI chatbots and Google Searches learn from your past searches. You might realize this by observing the pathetic "targeted ads" on nearly every website. Supposedly, they tailor the ads to what you are interested in buying. Because the ads annoy me, occasionally, I will start making random product searches. Right now, for example, I am getting ads for Alpha Romeo automobiles and random cruise ship offers neither of which have the slightest interest in purchasing. 

I am writing this post late in the afternoon. I went to my Google History and counted that I had done 231 Google searches since 7;00 this morning. During the same time, I had done 8 Microsoft CoPilot searches.  Those numbers and probably low for an average day. How many of those searches gave me responses I was looking for? All of them. Why the Copilot searches because I needed answers such as one URL not an explanation and the short wait for the explanation did not justify using Copilot. 

Working with both the Google Search and Copilot relies on a learned skill. With Google, I am guessing what Google will know and using words that give me the response I need. Copilot is a little more demanding. They call the search input to chatbots, "prompts" but that is not a very good name for the methodology involved. It is more like using a language. If I want to communicate with someone who speaks Spanish, I have to use Spanish. If I want to communicate with a chatbot, I need to use chatbot language. I am learning chatbot language by doing hundreds of searches (or beginning chatbot conversations). All in all, chatbots are pretty limited and not at all intelligent. Carrying on a conversation is an allusion. They are only marginal better in a limited number of ways to regular Google searches. What is helpful is that the chatbot answers questions rather than pointing websites that might answer questions. But as I illustrated with my Amazon example, most of the time I don't need an explanation, I just need a single short answer. 

So, will chatbots kill Google Search. Probably not in my lifetime unless they can learn to give a one work answer to a one word question.

Friday, March 22, 2024

RootsTech 2024 is still online and available

My wife and I have been enjoying some of the presentations from RootsTech 2024 that we missed while being so busy doing other things. Here is a list of some of the current attractions.

You might want to look at the huge collection of videos also. There are 1,500 sessions on 185 topics in over 30 languages. The video collection is a marvelous resource for learning about almost everything genealogical. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

MyHeritage introduces All-New Profile Pages with Hints

Qouting from a recent blog post:

The profile page is among the most visited pages on MyHeritage, and is one of the most valuable ones for genealogists. Many users requested that we add additional capabilities to the page. You asked, and we listened! Today we are proud to release the result: the all-new profile pages. This is a whole new experience that is more than just a single page; it’s a centralized hub for everything known about a person.

This major enhancement includes a more organized layout and cool features to help you maximize your discoveries about your ancestors and relatives. We’ve also added Hints, which are a unique, highly useful way of presenting new details from your matches within the context of an individual profile. The profile pages remain free and are now more useful than ever!

The new profile pages are available on the MyHeritage website on desktop. We will soon add Hints to the MyHeritage mobile app as well.

From my perspective, this reorganization of the profile pages is a very welcome change. I find the newly designed pages to be much easier to navigate. You can read more about the page changes in this blog post, Introducing All-New Profile Pages With Hints

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Come learn about your Central and East European Ancestors!

The 2024 FEEFHS Annual Conference will be an in-person event held at the Plaza Hotel in Salt Lake City, August 6-9. Prior to the conference there will be a hands-on workshop day (as an optional add-on), followed by the conference with four days of instruction with three instruction tracks taught in parallel. 

Conference topics will encompass countries and regions of Central and Eastern Europe, including areas of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire, Russian Empire/USSR and more. Other topics will include DNA, minority research, resources, and technology. A preliminary conference schedule is posted (just class titles or with class summaries). 

At the conference you will have the opportunity to talk with presenters between sessions and in one-on-one consultations. In the evenings you can do research at the world famous FamilySearch Library—right next door to the conference hotel. The library has access to many resources that are not available online or at other libraries. 

I have attended and presented at this conference several times and will be presenting three classes this year. Their website is a valuable resource for Eastern European genealogy research and the those presenting at the conference are experts in their area. You can find out more by clicking Here with links to the registration. 

Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 15, 2024

MyHeritage opens website

Here is the introductory video to the website.

Quoting from the MyHeritage Blog post about the new website:

We’re delighted to announce the release of, an innovative website for historical newspapers, by MyHeritage. enables genealogists, researchers, and history enthusiasts to search, save, and share articles about people and events throughout history. At launch, includes a huge repository of hundreds of millions of historical newspaper pages from around the world, with millions more added monthly. The website features easy navigation and consists of a diverse range of high-quality publications, from major international newspapers to small-town journals and gazettes.

At launch, more than doubles the amount of historical newspaper content that was previously available on MyHeritage. The website includes all the historical newspapers from MyHeritage, plus new, unique content.

 More as we get a chance to use the new website.

Friday, March 8, 2024

MyHeritage Tree Collaboration with FamilyTree DNA


MyHeritage Tree Collaboration with FamilyTree DNA

At RootsTech 2024, Aaron Godfrey, MyHeritage Vice President of Marketing, announced the following as quoted by Robeta Estes in her blog post on DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy, as follows:
I don’t have specific details about how it works, as this won’t happen for a few months yet, but FamilyTreeDNA customers will port their trees to MyHeritage which allows them to take advantage of MyHeritage’s record collections and such. Existing MyHeritage customers will simply connect their FamilyTreeDNA test to their MyHeritage tree.

You can read the details on the linked blog post. At the RootsTech conference I also talked to both MyHeritage and to Katy Rowe-Schurwanz, Product Owner at FamilyTree DNA and she confirmed that the connection at an unspecified time in the future. I am sure there will be more about this at the appropriate time. I suggest you watch Aaron Godfrey's presentation at RootsTech to hear the announcement for yourself. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Introducing he FamilySearch Profile Quality Score

RootsTech 2024 was the forum for announcing a valuablefeature that helps with the Family Tree accuracy. FamilySearch announced the Profile Quality Score which is featured in the website. When this feature is activated by turning it on, it appears on Profile Page of entries in the Family Tree and when clicked on, it gives a break down of the accuracy and reliability of an entry. Here is an example from my own part of the Family Tree. 

The sidebar can be expanded to view additional evaluations. 

You do not see anything unless this app is turned on using the page. I couldn't see any pattern to when the information appeared on an individual. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Impressive New Updates and Releases from MyHeritage

There is a long list of impressive new releases and updates from Here is Aaron Godfrey on the main stage at to give you a short insight into the latest news. 

Here is a hopefully complete list of the updates and releases mentioned with links to the blog posts about the new products. 

Historical Records Added in February 2024

Introducing, A New Website for Exploring Historical Newspapers

Introducing All-New Profile Pages with Hints

New: AI Record Finder™Chat History

AI Biographer™

MyHeritage Documentary Part 1: The Early Years - A Dream Takes Root This is the first of a six-part series made for the 20th anniversary of the founding of The series will continue with links to the remaining videos. 

Please take a few minutes to watch Aaron's information packed video above. 

Full-Text and AI comes to FamilySearch

RootsTech 2024 was filled with technology with an emphasis on artificial intelligence or AI. One long anticipated announcement by FamilySearch was the beginning Full-Text.

Full-Text is just what the name implies, the FamilySearch program can now search the full or complete text of historical documents. This opens up the ability to find more exact information. Previously and what is still the case with indexed records, the indexes only find records that matched the somewhat arbitrary index fields. With Full-Text searches, you can search for any possible word that may be in the document or record. Presently, there are only two large FamilySearch databases that are available to search; U.S. Land and Probate Records, a record dating from 1630 to 1975 and Mexico Notary Records, a set of records that is primarily dated before 1900 but with some records up to 1947. More additions are planned. 

The records that will become available are those that that have been prepared by sophisticated handwriting recognition software and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. So the process is that the original documents are processed by the handwriting recognition and converted into text files and then the Full-Text search program can search every word in the documents for your "Keywords." The keywords can be any text string such as names, dates, and places. The challenge is choosing keywords for search that may be in the documents or records you are searching. 

To test the system, I searched using the name of my great-grandfather, Henry Martin Tanner who was born in San Bernardino, Los Angeles, California in 1852 and died in Gilbert, Maricopa, Arizona in 1935. I immediately found the following deed that I had never seen before and was not attached as a FamilySearch Memory. 

I would not know to even look for this document much less have found it in unindexed records previously. 

These are full text searches and so you have to work with your search terms or keywords to get any specific results. 

These new FamilySearch developments give me a lot to write about and additional topics for videos.