Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Huge On-demand Library of Classes on

With over 1500 classes on 185 topics in 30 languages, the RootsTech Archive that stretches back to 2019, is a treasure house of genealogical information. This year, 2023, there will be 180 new in-person classes and over 300 new online classes. I have heard that about 30 of these classes will be broadcast live and recorded. This will allow the online audience to participate in some of the in-person classes online and join in the excitement of the in-person experience.

Here is my live class and I have six videos to enlarge the information in my class.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that I missed your presentation - an appointment. My 5th great grandfather was Amos Tanner -changed to Martin in Canada, whose family emigrated to Rhode Island in the 1600's from London, England.
