It is absolutely amazing to me that I can post a comment online and have the person I am looking for call me out of the blue. Jack Beale Smith is the author of a number of books about the Beale Wagon Road, the original road that ultimately became U.S. Route 66 and now I-40. Here are a few of the books written by Mr. Smith:
Smith, Jack. A Guide to the Beale Wagon Road Through the Coconino National Forest
Smith, Jack. John Udell, "the Rest of the Story": With an Adventure on the Beale Wagon Road
Smith, Jack. The True Story of How Peach Springs, Arizona Received Its Name
Smith, Jack. Tales of the Beale Road
and, of course the book I was interested in reading:
Smith, Jack. Kerlin's Well: A Unique Site on the Beale Wagon Road Near Seligman, Arizona
I had an extremely enjoyable conversation with Mr. Smith about the history of Northern Arizona and the Beale Wagon Road and Edward Fitzgerald Beale. OK, so now I have both map directions and a verbal description of how to get to Kerlin's Well. We are planning on making another trip to the area in the near future. I will be eager to report our success or another failure.
What a great surprise and wonderful information! Just another result of how the internet and blogging benefits us as genealogists!