Some people eat, sleep and chew gum, I do genealogy and write...

Sunday, May 5, 2013's Karma revives Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

For many years, two dedicated genealogists, Bidgett and Doc Schneider, created a website called Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness. This site allowed volunteers to help find, digitize, locate or otherwise assist in the local research for those around the world who could not travel to the location. Unfortunately, this site went offline. You can see some connections and explanation on the FamilySearch Research Wiki

Now,, a genealogical search engine company, has announced that it is trying to re-establish the idea of volunteer helping across the world with a new organization called Karma. Here is a short explanation of what they are trying to do:
Today, at Mocavo, we are excited to announce the launch of Genealogy Karma. Modeled after Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness, we hope to empower the Mocavo community and connect researchers all around the country. If you’re looking for documents, records, or photos from an ancestor who lived far away, we will connect you with family history volunteers who can do this research for you in other cities. Likewise, if you’d like to give back to the Mocavo community and have a little time to donate, you can sign up as a volunteer. 
To begin visit
This is a very laudable effort. I notice that there are already a few requests and only a very much fewer answers. This is one effort that needs to be followed closely.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking for my birthson kevin troy schotts
    date of birth jul 3 1972 adopted
