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Our mission is to greatly increase the number of people actively involved in family history worldwide and to make everyone's family history journey easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable. Supporting The Family History Guide is a major way to advance family history and genealogy throughout the world.
With the upcoming RootsTech 2019 Conference, we need to get serious about our fundraising efforts. I recently received the following letter from my associated, Bob Ives who is the Executive Director for The Family History Guide Association. This letter outlines our goals for fundraising just so we can participate in RootsTech 2019.
I would hope that you would give serious consideration to the needs of the organization. If you have any questions, please feel free to make comments to this post or contact us through The Family History Guide Association website. Here is the letter.
Dear Supporters,
Please let me take a few minutes of your time to update you on what has been happening with The Family History Guide and the impact our work is having. Thanks to your support in the past we have had wonderful success in our mission to make family history easier, more efficient and more enjoyable in over 150 countries around the world. We do this through our Family History Guide Association which is a 501c3 charitable nonprofit and donations from individuals like you and organizations such as the Ashton Family Foundation and the Larry H. and Gail Miller Family Foundation.
Our accomplishments include a number programs that are made possible by donors and a staff of over 65 volunteers on 4 continents! Our programs include:
The Regional Trainer Program (click to see more)
We have over fifty volunteers worldwide who provide their expertise to their local geographic areas in the form of training, presentations and other support to people who want to get started in family history. These Regional Trainers are on four continents including North America, Europe, Africa and Australia.
Rootstech (click here)
Each year we reach thousands of people by providing demonstrations and mini-classes in our 600 sq.ft. booth at this show. Our main presentation last year attracted a standing room only audience of over 800 people and was introduced by international television personality, Troy Dunn! We have already been accepted to do another main presentation and booth for RootsTech 2019. Click HERE to see more information.
Support for families, individuals, youth, and children(click here)
The Family History Guide is unique in that it provides over 200 activities focusing on family history. Nowhere else is there such a focused assortment of focused, non-denominational activities to help strengthen relationships and ties within families.
Focused, step-by-step instruction (click here)
Step-by-step focused training is the hallmark of The Family History Guide. This is unique to the family history/genealogy industry. we have collected the best resources available throughout the world and combined them into a best-in-class training program for everyone from beginners to seasoned genealogists. Indeed, we have put the world of family history research at everyone's fingertips. Click HERE for a short video explaining our process.
Training for Temple and Family History Consultants and others (click here)
We provide unparalleled, in-depth training for anyone who needs to teach a class in family history. Our COURSE CATALOG provides dozens of coordinated classes from 15 to 45 minutes in length that anyone can use in virtually any setting. Our training is fast becoming the standard in the industry. We are partners with Family Search for training (see here) and are referenced on LDS.org. We recently became one of the first of the new Registered Solutions Providers for Family Search.
Social media presence and YouTube channel
This year we have produced and released over twenty new videos highlighting specific areas of The Family History Guide. In addition, we have a major social media presence on 3 Facebook sites, our own YouTube channel and Twitter, Pinterest, and our weekly Blog site.
GuideStar GOLD member(click Here)
We have been recently recognized as a GOLD member by GuideStar the international clearinghouse for non-profits.
Why I am writing to you
This is a critical time for us. We have an immediate need for funding in several key areas. Those specific areas include the following:
Programming - Finish the online tracker feature (see here). This feature allows a user or group of users to keep track of their progress in The Family History Guide training projects. It allows an individual (administrator) to create a unique group of users and track their progress using charts and other reports. To be announced at RootsTech 2019. Cost $4,000
RootsTech 2019 Booth - We will have the same size booth as last year (600 sqft) although the cost almost doubled for booth space. See the image below to see a rendering of the planned booth. Total cost for booth, power, internet, computers, furnishings, and staff is $16,000
Booth Space - $5,800
Computers - $3,500
Internet, power, carpet, furniture, etc. - $6,700
If you or someone you know would be willing to donate toward either of these two projects or to the association, in general, please visit this link DONATE. If you would prefer to donate directly by check or through a program such as the Fidelity Fund, please contact me directly (coo@thefhguide.com) to make arrangements.
Best wishes,
Bob Ives
Here is the booth layout.

James- Thank you so much for posting this! People are responding!